Created by: *Icard Nurjantan
The life is something could be demand by
the docile of life, passion, sex, and, -
life is gathering the deepest at sea–collapse each other’s on the black money
The life for everyone who’s feelin’ happy
in the forbidding way of the hell and, -
The life is so hard if somebody had felt
cruelly–authority of black demon in valley
All the time has been passed a way because
we’re offscourin’
For everyone who will be livin’ in the
beautiful way of the earth
Our way will be always going for nothing
at all
Fuck’em of the silly, which is events in
tenderly birth at all
We must save the benefit of life in our
We can talk that the money is shit
The universe is a place for livin’ in
Offer the blue song in the new funny hits
Sometimes I ask my self is the pessimist
face–who am I?
Life without meaning which is always bring
the 6th and 7th–is that am I?
At the “Koplik” I
make this poem–reflection of the life
Ciputat October 11th,
2002. 10.02 PM
Icard Nurjantan adalah bukan nama
sebenarnya. Lahir di Jakarta, 19 Juni 1981. Pernah ngeleseh selama 3 tahun di
Jogja, penikmat dan pengamat seni. Pernah Bergiat di teater Plonk STIBA Jakarta
Internasional, dan tutor sastra pada Forum Lingkar Filsafat dan Sastra KOPLIK
Ciputat, bergiat di berbagai LSM. Pernah menjabat menjadi Ketua Senat ABA YPKK-STBA Technocrat
2001-02 dan pernah pula menjabat sebagai pimpred Communicado Press (sebuah
wadah penulis muda). Aktif menulis di berbagai surat
kabar terkemuka di Jakarta dan daerah. saat ini mengajar terbang
di kampus terkemuka di daerah Jakarta Barat dan Selatan. Saat ini sedang
menulis sebuah kumpulan cerpen (berujung besi)
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